Monday, June 30, 2008

RDA Webcasts by Barbara Tillett

Barbara Tillett, the chief officer of the Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress,talks about RDA (Resource Description and Access) in two new webcasts. He introduces the background of RDA development, gives us an overview of the new rules, and addresses the next generation cataloging code designed for the digital environment. Will RDA be published in early 2009?

Title 1: Resource Description and Access: Background / Overview
Title 2: Cataloging Principles and RDA: Resource Description and Access

Monday, June 16, 2008

NITLE DSpace User Community Meeting

NITLE DSpace User Community Meeting was held on June 11-12, at University Peget Sound, Tacoma, WA. All the participating institutions have sent their information professionals at the meeting.

It is a great opportunity for participates to share their best practices and also address their concerns. Topics such as institutional repository, digital collection, metadata creation, DSpace Manakin, marketing DSpace etc. have been fully discussed. Most librarians feel that DSpace provides a great opportunity for institutions to create digital collections and scholarly communication on campus wide, but how to effectively promote it on campus and create value-added collection for research will be the key to succeed. NITLE agrees to continue providing such opportunities to facilitate best practices.